April 2020 Holiday List & Social Media Content Ideas

Roshan Ambler
3 min readApr 2, 2020


Ready for April? Here are the holidays you need to know about!


Nevertheless, I’ve got some epic content ideas to sort you out for the new month ahead! 💥⁣


Ready for it? 🤩👇🏻⁣


🗓 2nd April — Ram Navami


🗓 6th April — Mahavir Jayanti


🗓 7th April — World Health Day

(You could do a shout-out to nurses and doctors for the amazing job that they’re doing right now, or even provide some healthy living tips, a nutritious recipe or a fitness routine.)


🗓 10th April — Siblings Day, Encourage a Young Writer Day


🗓 11th April — National Pet day

(Show of your super cute photos of your pet and tell a bit about them. Ask your audience to share their photos too!)


🗓 12th April — Easter Sunday


🗓 14th April — Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti, Puthandu (Tamil New Year)


🗓 15th April — National Tax day, World Art Day


🗓 16th April — Wear Your Pajamas to Work, National Stress Awareness Day, Get to Know Your Customers Day, National High-Five Day


🗓 18th April — World Heritage Day


🗓 22nd April- Earth Day


🗓 23d April- National Picnic Day, World Book Day

(If you love books then this is a great opportunity to share some photos of your favorite books. And a CTA to ask your audience what their favorite book is too!)


🗓 25th April — National Telephone Day, World Penguin Day, World Malaria Day


🗓 26th April — Pet Parents Day


🗓 29th April — Denim Day, International Dance Day

(Thi is a great opportunity to show off your fun side by playing your favorite tune and film yourself dancing. Post it to stories and tag a few besties to take part in the challenge!)


🗓 30th April — Adopt a Shelter Pet Day, National Honesty Day, International Jazz Day


Let me know in the comments which idea you’ll use for your April content.




#LetsTalk #NationalSiblingsDay #AprilFools #EncourageAYoungWriterDay #NationalPetDay #TaxDay #WorldArtDay #StressAwarenessDay #PJDay #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay #NH5D #EarthDay2020 #NationalPicnicDay #WorldBookDay #DenimDay #NationalTelephoneDay #InternationalDanceDay #NationalHonestyDay #AdoptAShelterPetDay #JazzDay #April2020



Roshan Ambler
Roshan Ambler

Written by Roshan Ambler

Founder of @GoLeadDigital. I live and breathe digital marketing. I hope you enjoy my findings.

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